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What is Xpression Camera

Xpression Camera is an AI-powered virtual camera app, a dynamic tool tailored for platforms like Zoom and embodying state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technology. Beyond simple modifications, this app allows for intricate face swaps or embodying various avatars with its anime AI integration, turning any facial expression into a digital persona using just one photo. In real-time, users can reshape their onscreen identity, be it during a TikTok stream, a video chat on Zoom, live streaming sessions, or even when crafting a YouTube video. Such capabilities are not just limited to enhancing video chats; they open up a vast realm for content creators.

#1 top grossing in board
Abstract strategy

Chat as your ultimate self

xpression camera converts user selfies into avatars spanning various styles, including humanoid, CG, Cinematic anime, 90's hip hop, and more. The app's customizations are virtually limitless, enabling users to create unique backgrounds, hairstyles, makeup, clothing, and accessories to suit any mood or scenario.

Video chat without webcam

Our new Voice2Face technology lets you be off camera while the app fully animates your image on screen. You like to pace while on a video call - no problem. Let your voice drive your image on screen. Your facial features are naturally animated, but you don't need to be stuck staring at the screen. To add even more expression, xpression camera can generate a variety of animations that convey a richer emotional expression with just a single click of a button.